直播书单-科学出版社《永磁悬浮系统:原理、数学模型、仿真和实验(Permanent Magnetic Suspension System: Principle, Model,Simulation and Experiment)》
发布者:网上馆配会 发布时间:2021/3/16

Magnetic suspension is the technology for supporting an object without contact by means of a magnetic force. Magnetic suspension systems have many advantages, which are the realization of high speed due to no friction, the applications in clean rooms because of no generation of the dirt, and the applications in the cosmos because of the lubrication free. So far, many kinds of magnetic levitation systems have been proposed and developed. These magnetic levitation systems use various methods to control the suspension force. Two types of systems are electromagnetic suspension systems, which control the coil current so as to change the magnetic force in order to levitate an object stably; and mechanical magnetic suspension systems, which use permanent magnets and control the magnetic reluctance so as to vary the suspension force in order to achieve stable suspension. This book concentrates on the magneticsuspension systems, and proposes a zero-power control method for a magnetic suspension system, a non-contact spinning system using permanent magnets and rotary actuators, a novel magnetic suspension system using the variable flux-path control method, and the simultaneous suspension of two iron balls using the variable flux-path control mechanism.